It takes a village

I read something recently that said:

“Names are the way we humans build relationships, not only with each other but with the living world.”

Which got me thinking about all the myriad ways we choose to identify ourselves.

All the roles.

All the titles.

All the things we call and claim ourselves to be.

And then someone asked:

“What happened to the village? Everyone has always said, and is always talking about “It takes a village,” but where’s the village?”

Merging those two thoughts and ideas together I realized that the village perished when we decided to be Strong, Independent, “Influencers,” “Baddies,” “Internet Personalities,” and “Content Creators.”

We lost the village when we traded in genuine connection for superficial praise.

We lost the village when performance became more important than truth.

When we stopped thinking in terms of the whole, or the collective, and began to think only in terms of the self. Of self-inflation and self-aggrandizing.

And that’s not to contradict, or take away from the concept of self-care, self-discovery, and self-awareness because…

You cannot serve, or give from an empty vessel.

So, Yes…

We must Love ourselves. Honor our space and capacity. Take care of our hearts. Take care of our minds, and Take care of our bodies.

We must cultivate the peace, love, and joy that we want to share with others within ourselves first.

Absolutely, We must.

Because if we don't we will have nothing left to give.

Self-care is not selfishness. It is not wrong, and it is nothing to feel guilty over. Making and holding space for yourself does not negate or diminish your worth or your value.

In fact, It is essential, because…

When you take care of yourself you make everything, and everyone around you better.

When you take care of yourself you create the capacity to contribute to and care for the community.

The invitation here is…

To reevaluate and reconsider how we view our roles and position.

To reevaluate the titles we claim, and how we choose to “name” ourselves.

What name have you assigned yourself?

How have you chosen to show up in the world? In the Community?

I intentionally Name myself as an Instructor, Guide, and Coach.

Because that is my intention. That is my purpose.

To lead and guide the people and community into growth, self-awareness, and healing, and from that, I hope to cultivate and foster the growth of more leaders, guides, givers, nurturers, lovers, and healers.

I hope to create the ripple that will lead us back into relationship with ourselves, and each other.



Change Generations


Representation Matters