Leave it All Behind

I saw a post that said:

Ya’ll be too afraid to start over. I’m on like my fourth life.

And I laugh because there is so much truth and connection to my own life in that.

There have been so many shifts, pivots, and changes. So many redirects.

So many opportunities for truth. For growth. For reflection and awareness.

My advice.

Leave it All Behind.

Everything, every place and space, every perception or idea, and everyone that no longer aligns with the person that you are or that you desire to be.

You are allowed.

You are allowed to unlearn who you've been if it isn't who you are anymore.

You are allowed to redefine yourself.

You are allowed to shift, pivot, and change course.

You are allowed to develop new opinions, beliefs, and ideas.

You are allowed to take off hats that no longer fit.

You are allowed to rewrite your story.


When we open ourselves up to the opportunity of reconnecting with our truth we give ourselves and others permission to do the same, and just BE.

To exist and grow into the reality of who they truly are, and growth requires us to shed and leave some things behind.

So as we move into the new year and journey forward into the world of opportunity I invite you to explore and discover yourself.

To start over and begin anew.

To step into the fullness of who you truly are.



New Year, New Opportunity


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